by Sarah Jenkinson | Newest, Winter
And here we are, coming to the end of Late Autumn. It’s been a time of releasing. A time of inner work and letting go. In fact the moon cycle that we just completed over the weekend–beginning with the new moon in late October, moving to the full Hunter’s...
by Sarah Jenkinson | Newest, Theory + History
I believe in magic. There. I said it and the roof didn’t cave in on me. Ready for the kicker? I’m pretty sure that you believe in magic, too. But can you say that out loud? Okay, go ahead. Say it like you mean it: “I believe in magic.” Can’t quite get the words out...
by Sarah Jenkinson | Newest, Theory + History
Symbols, Cycles and the Quest for Meaningful Happiness I have an experiment for you. Are you game? Okay, go ask the person nearest to you what they long for the most. Ask them what their greatest goal and desire is. Got their response? Good. Now I want you to ask them...